
When visiting our website or using our apps

Playyourtalent and Playyourstrategy, we collect information about the visitor’s behavior for the purpose of gathering statistics on the use of the website.

The legal basis for our processing of personal data

The processing of personal data occurs under legitimate interest (the balancing of interests rule – Article 6(1)(f)), as we weigh that the collection of behavior information on our website does not infringe on the visitor’s fundamental rights.

Categories of personal data and their source

Only personal data in the form of IP addresses, which are otherwise pseudonymized or anonymized when behavior information is registered with our data processors, are collected. We do not collect other information with the aim to identify visitors. Only personal data that the visitor themselves provides are collected.

Recipients of personal data

We entrust your personal data to our data processors Sendgrid and ActiveCampaign. Sendgrid and ActiveCampaign are located in the USA, and the transfer of data occurs based on Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC).

Storage of personal data

The data we collect for statistics are stored for 2 years at Sendgrid and ActiveCampaign. You can always delete your cookies if you no longer wish us to store them.

Automatic decisions and profiling

The collected personal data are not used in connection with automatic decisions.


We do not use any cookies on our website. A cookie is a small data file placed on your computer’s hard drive to recognize it. It is not a program and cannot read or destroy data on your computer. Only the website that placed the cookie on your hard drive can read the content of the cookie again. Cookies cannot contain viruses or similar that can harm your computer. Read more about Cookies at www.cookiecentral.com On playyourtalent.com, cookies are used solely for the purpose of optimizing the functionality on the website, thereby improving your customer experience. A technical functionality that can remember your settings. Cookies can be deleted/blocked at http://minecookies.org/cookiehandling

Links to other websites

There may be links to other websites or partners on the website. We cannot be held responsible for the content on these websites or their collection of personal data otherwise.

When using a contact form on our website, we process the provided personal data for the purpose of being able to respond to the inquiry.

The legal basis for our processing of personal data

The processing of personal data occurs under legitimate interest (the balancing of interests rule in the data protection regulation), as we weigh that the visitor themselves has provided the information with the aim to be contacted.

Categories of personal data and their source

General contact information in the form of name, email is collected. Additionally, we ask for a message that can elaborate on what the inquiry concerns. Only personal data that the visitor themselves provides are collected.

Recipients of personal data

The personal data provided will not be either disclosed or transferred outside of the company’s team.

Storage of personal data

If a collaboration, customer relationship, or otherwise a closer relation is initiated based on the inquiry, the personal data will be stored in accordance with the relation. You can always request to have your data deleted in the emails you receive from us.

Automatic decisions and profiling

The collected personal data are not used in connection with either automatic decisions or profiling.


When you sign up for our newsletter on the website


When signing up for the newsletter on our website, we process the provided personal data for the purpose of being able to send emails with news, offers, new products and services, invitations to events, as well as other marketing initiatives.

When you using one contact form on our Homepage, treats we the specified personal data for the purpose of being able to return to the inquiry.

The legal basis for our processing of personal data

The processing of personal data is based on consent. Note that consent can be withdrawn at any time.

Categories of personal data and their source

Contact information in the form of name and email is collected. Only personal data that the visitor themselves provides are collected.

Recipients of personal data

The personal data provided will not be disclosed outside of the company. The personal data are transferred (not disclosed) to ActiveCampaign in the USA, where they are used for sending out newsletters. ActiveCampaign cannot use the personal data for its own purposes and therefore acts solely on our instruction. A data processing agreement has been entered into with ActiveCampaign, and the data transfer occurs based on Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC). To learn more about ActiveCampaign – read more here.

Storage of personal data

The personal data are stored as long as one is an active subscriber to the newsletter or until consent is withdrawn. The personal data are also deleted if technical receipt of the email is refused (e.g., if the email account is closed)

Automatic decisions and profiling

The collected personal data are not used in connection with either automatic decisions or profiling

When you register for a physical event (contact form) or an online webinar (via a link to a third party)

We process the provided personal data for the purpose of being able to register attendees, as well as for the purpose of being able to send emails with service messages about the event/webinar up to and immediately after its occurrence. If the event/webinar is associated with a payment or other requirements, such as being actively signed up for our newsletter, the personal data will be processed with the purpose of verifying whether the registration is valid according to payment or other requirements. By providing the specified personal data, you consent to signing up for our newsletter. It will always be possible to withdraw consent – and unsubscribe directly in the email.

The legal basis for our processing of personal data

The processing of personal data is based on legitimate interest, as we balance that the processing of personal data occurs in the registrant’s own interest. One can always say “no thanks” to our processing if one does not wish to participate in the event/webinar.

Categories of personal data and their source

Most often, contact information in the form of name and email is collected, but it may occur that we also ask for title, company, and similar. Only personal data that the visitor themselves provides are collected.

Recipients of personal data

The personal data provided will not be disclosed outside of the company. If you sign up for a webinar, the personal data will be transferred (not disclosed) to our chosen webinar platform, which is responsible for the execution of the webinar, including registration, sending out emails, etc. The webinar platform does not use the personal data for its own purposes and therefore acts solely on our instructions as a data processor. If the webinar platform is located in the USA, it has been verified that data transfer to the webinar platform can occur based on Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC).

Storage of personal data

Your information will be registered on our newsletter platform; ActiveCampaign. You can always request to have your data deleted in the emails you receive from us by ‘unsubscribing from the newsletter’. ActiveCampaign – learn more here. Personal data are therefore stored in our system and used only to send out the newsletter. Through the newsletter, you receive relevant knowledge, information about courses, and similar.

Automatic decisions and profiling

The collected personal data are not used in connection with either automatic decisions or profiling.

When you purchase one of our online products

We process the provided personal data for the purpose of granting access to the product, receiving payment for the product, and invoicing according to the rules of the Accounting Act.

The provided personal data will not be linked to the company’s newsletter. The email address will only be used according to the rules of the Marketing Act.

The legal basis for our processing of personal data

The processing of personal data is based on fulfilling an agreement about the purchase.

Categories of personal data and their source

Contact information in the form of name, address, and email is collected. Only personal data that the visitor themselves provides are collected.

Recipients of personal data

The personal data provided will not be disclosed outside of the company. If you purchase an online course, the personal data will be transferred (not disclosed) to Simplero where they are used for dispatch to be able to access the product. Simplero is located in the USA. Simplero cannot use the personal data for its own purposes and therefore acts solely on our instruction, and you can at any time delete your account from Simplero. We refer to Simplero’s privacy policy for further information on data handling. https://simplero.com/privacy-policy

Storage of personal data

Your information will be registered on our newsletter platform; ActiveCampaign. You can always request to have your data deleted in the emails you receive from us by ‘unsubscribing from the newsletter’. ActiveCampaign – learn more here. Personal data are therefore stored in our system and used only to send out the newsletter. Through the newsletter, you receive relevant knowledge, information about courses, and similar.

Automatic decisions and profiling

The collected personal data are not used in connection with either automatic decisions or profiling.

When you are a client in our consulting business

We process the provided personal data for the purpose of working with the company’s development, for as long as desired, and invoicing according to the rules of the Accounting Act and sending the invoice by email.


The provided personal data may be linked to the company’s newsletter. You can always unsubscribe again. The email address will only be used according to the rules of the Marketing Act.


We use in our work a Play Your Talent quiz, where special terms & conditions are described here: https://www.playyourtalent.com/privacy-policy/

The legal basis for our processing of personal data

The processing of personal data is based on fulfilling an agreement about the purchase.

Categories of personal data and their source

Contact information in the form of name, address, and email is collected. Only personal data that the visitor themselves provides are collected.

Recipients of personal data

The personal data provided will not be disclosed outside of the company’s team.

Storage of personal data

Personal data used for the Accounting Act are stored until 5 years after the end of the fiscal year, cf. the Accounting Act § 10, and are then deleted. If you respond to or ask questions via email, the information will initially be stored for 12 months. See also “When using our contact form on the website”.

Automatic decisions and profiling

The collected personal data are not used in connection with either automatic decisions or profiling.

We and Facebook collect and process personal data 

When you visit the company’s Facebook pages (“fan pages”). The purpose of the processing is to be able to market ourselves to potential customers, preserve inquiries, and similar related purposes. The specific Facebook pages managed by Play Your Talent are: playyourtalent

The legal basis for our processing of personal data

The processing of personal data is based on legitimate interest following a balancing of interests. Information requiring consent is not processed.

Categories of personal data and their source

Contact information typically in the form of name is collected. If we receive sensitive information/special categories of information, these are deleted as soon as they come to our attention.

Recipients of personal data

The personal data provided will not be disclosed outside of the company.

Storage of personal data

Since the personal data provided on the Facebook pages are provided by the person themselves on our publicly available page, the information will, in principle, remain on the page as long as it exists. The provider of the information can always object in relation to the balancing of interests, with a view to deleting any posts.

Automatic decisions and profiling

We assume that Facebook conducts automatic decisions and profiling with the portion of personal data for which Facebook is the data controller. We do not use automatic decisions and profiling.

Note! If you do not want your information to be processed, please refrain from visiting our Facebook pages, as it is currently not possible for us to change Facebook’s settings for data collection.

Who transfers and discloses personal data We review our applications ourselves and store them securely.

The data subject’s rights If you know or suspect that we process personal data about yourself, you have a number of rights in relation to the processing. The individual rights are elaborated below. Should you choose to exercise one of your rights, e.g., by asking for insight into which personal data we process about yourself, you can make a request via email at info@playyourtalent.com

Once we have received the email and subsequently verified the identity – to ensure that we do not disclose personal data to unauthorized persons – we initiate the process regarding the requested.


Right to access

You have the right to request access to the personal data we process about you. If we process personal data about the person, we will provide information about these, as well as the purpose and legal basis.


Right to object

You have the right to object if you disagree with our processing of the personal data. Whether an objection is complied with is assessed on a case-by-case basis.


Right to request restriction

You have the right to request that we limit the processing. If we process personal data, you may in certain cases request that the processing be limited if you do not wish all the registered data to be included in the processing.


Right to request deletion

You have the right to request to be deleted.


Right to request rectification

Should the personal data we process be incorrect, you have the right to have these updated with the correct information.


Right to data portability

You have the right to receive your personal data in a machine-readable format. Note that this only applies to the personal data you have provided to us.


Right to withdraw consent

If the processing of personal data is based on consent, this can be withdrawn at any time, whereby the processing will cease.


Right to complain

You are always welcome to contact Play Your Talent if you have questions or wish to complain about a processing of your personal data. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the opportunity to complain to the Data Protection Authority. See more on the Data Protection Authority’s website https://www.datatilsynet.dk/