Play Your Talent uncovers your company's talents and potential in just 12 minutes

Embracing talents will enhance work satisfaction, motivation, and productivity.

Play Your Talent uncovers your company's talents and potential in just 12 minutes
Embracing talents will enhance work satisfaction, motivation and productivity.

Play Your Talent is an innovative software for working with talent development in an easy and efficient way. Rooted in gamification as well as the newest research.

The Play Your Talent app provides insigts to discover which talents give or drain the individuals of energy.
Data and results from the system can be used to validate and measure the talent culture and efficiency in the company and give the company the opportunity to embrace the talents much smarter.

The benefit of working with talent development through the platform is that motivation, efficiency, collaboration and job satisfaction can be significantly increased. The software system is innovative and fun to use, as it is based on gamification and makes it possible to work with talent development, goals and results in an entertaining way.

The insights in talents changes the way an organization works with development and goals and creates a new ”language” in the companies.

Companies with motivated
employees perform 202% better

Increased productivity
0 %
Increased sales
0 %
Increased creativity
0 %

Disengaged employees is
expensive for the company

Less profitability
0 %
Less job growth
0 %
More sick leave
0 %

Play Your Talent is an innovative software system designed to easily and efficiently work with talent development

Value of working with talents

  • Increases efficiency and performance by up to 6X, based on natural motivation and commitment
  • Increases talent utilization 
  • Increases motivation, collaboration and productivity
  • Increases job satisfaction
  • Reduces stress
  • Retains employees

The added value of a software

  • Overview of the entire company’s talent potential
  • Insight into culture in all your teams and departments
  • Insight into where each individual employee gains and loses energy
  • Easy team composition module for project teams and solving tasks
  • Easy talent search function
  • Insight into high-performers and thereby the opportunity to recruit talents that fits perfectly into your company
  • Smart implementation tools, to create value on the long run

The tool gives you great opportunities:

  • A tool that helps you to increase your employees’ performance, job satisfaction and well-being by up to 30%
  • Insight into where each employee gains and loses energy
  • An easy overview of the culture of all your teams
  • Insight into task match and talents
  • Search for talent in your company to match for specific assignments
  • Easy team composition with a digital tool
  • A smart tool and model for running individual conversations
  • Opportunity to gain insight into your high-performers and thereby the opportunity to recruit talents that fits perfectly into your company and tasks
  • Very low level of administration
  • Great time saving

Do you want to embrace the talent potential in your company ?

Do you want to get in touch with Play Your Talent.

Use the contact form, contact a member of our team or contact CEO & Founder Iris Engelund directly

Phone: +45 61 43 63 43